Board Bios

Jay Taylor

My involvement in Wetlands Watch grew out of a “backyard issue,” the dredging of Crab Creek, a tributary of the Elizabeth River in Norfolk. I grew up sailing and crabbing on this creek, where my grandparents built their home in 1929. For over 40 years, I have lived there with my family. I am rooted to this place and I love it dearly. Helping to protect Crab Creek from negative dredging effects led to the founding of Wetlands Watch. Helping to guide Wetlands Watch in the two decades since then, I have seen it grow from a small volunteer band to a professional organization making a positive impact on wetlands resources throughout Virginia. I have also learned that educating the public, holding regulators accountable to the public good, and pushing government for good wetlands protection policies are tasks that are never finished.

Jay is a clinical psychologist and the director of Hampton Roads Behavioral Health, PC. He is a recipient of the Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s William H. Savedge, III Environmental Award.