Willard Model School (Norfolk)
Norfolk Green Sites Studio Projects (2018)
Graduate students from the University of Virginia’s Green Cities/Green Sites course focused on various locations in Norfolk, exploring ways to improve urban stormwater management tailored to the local environment.
Project areas included Norfolk’s Neon District, Kentucky Avenue, Ingleside Elementary School, Barraud Park, and Willard Model School.
Willard Model School, Norfolk
The Francis E. Willard Model Elementary School retrofit project focuses on addressing the significant stormwater management issues in the school's eastern parking lot. Spanning 0.72 acres of asphalt, the parking lot suffers from cracked pavement and standing water due to poor drainage, leading to an estimated 1 million gallons of annual runoff carrying pollutants into nearby wetlands.
With inadequate green infrastructure, the site exacerbates stormwater runoff and contributes to the urban heat island effect. The proposed retrofit aims to solve these problems using low-impact development (LID) strategies such as porous asphalt, bioswales, and a rain garden. These technologies will reduce impervious surfaces, improve water absorption, filter pollutants, and create an educational opportunity for students to learn about sustainable stormwater management.
“Stormwater Retrofit Plan: Willard Model School” (2018)